Fernanda Botinha Nascimento



  • Bachelor of Laws from the Milton Campos Law School – FDMC (2006);
  • Postgraduate in State and Regulation Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV RJ (2008);
  • Extension course in Tax Procedural Law at the Candido Mendes University (2011);
  • MBA in Tax Management from Trevisan Escola de Negócios RJ (2013);
  • Specialization in Tax Planning from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies – IBET (2017);
  • Extension and Improvement Course in Advanced Themes of International Tax Law by the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law – IBDT (2018);
  • Extension and Improvement Course in Controversial Issues of Consumption Taxation by the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law – IBDT (2019);
  • Extension and Improvement Course in Controversies and Current Tax Issues in Jurisprudence by the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law – IBDT (2019);
  • Extension Course in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Taxation at the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa – INSPER (2021).


  • Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.

Special mentions

  • Highlighted by The Legal 500 Latin America for its work in the tax area (editions 2018 to 2024) and recognized as a “Rising Star” (2022 to 2024);
  • Recommended for her work in the tax area by Best Lawyers Brazil (2023 and 2024).

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