New Round of Airport Concessions in Brazil

Public Call for Studies for the Concession of 22 airports

The Ministry of Infrastructure has published a Public Call for Studies aiming to receive projects, surveys, investigations and technical studies to assist with the modeling of the concession for the expansion, operation and maintenance of 22 airports.

1. Block of Airports.
Such round of airport concession is divided into 3 blocks, as follows:

  • The South Block includes nine airports located in:
    (i)  Curitiba (State of Paraná);
    (ii)  Foz do Iguaçu (State of Paraná);
    (iii)  Navegantes (State of Santa Catarina);
    (iv)  Londrina (State of Paraná);
    (v)  Joinville (State of Santa Catarina);
    (vi)  Bacacheri (State of Paraná);
    (vii)  Pelotas (State of Rio Grande do Sul);
    (viii) Uruguaiana (State of Rio Grande do Sul) and
    (ix)  Bagé (State of Rio Grande do Sul).
  •  The North Block includes seven airports located in:(i)  Manaus (State of Amazonas);
    (ii)  Porto Velho (State of Rondônia);
    (iii)  Rio Branco (State of Acre);
    (iv)  Cruzeiro do Sul (State of Acre);
    (v)  Tabatinga (State of Amazonas);
    (vi)  Tefé (State of Amazonas) and
    (vii)  Boa Vista (State of Roraima).
  • The Central Block includes six airports located in:(i)  Goiânia (State of Goiás);
    (ii)  Palmas (State of Tocantins);
    (iii)  Teresina (State of Piauí);
    (iv)  Petrolina (State of Pernambuco);
    (v)  São Luís (State of Maranhão) and
    (vi)  Imperatriz (State of Maranhão).

Participation in the Public Call. The parties interested in participating in  the Technical, Economical and Environmental Viability Studies (Estudos de Viabilidade Técnica, Econômica e Ambiental) shall submit a Request for Authorization to the Civil Aviation Secretariat until April 17, 2019.

Among the requirements to obtain such authorization it is important to highlight the required declaration that if the studies presented are chosen by the Selection Commission, the winning party that presented the referred to studies will not be able to participate directly or indirectly on the future bidding process.

The studies presented shall subsidize the preparation of the final documents of the bidding process that must be submitted to the Federal Court of Auditors (Tribunal de Contas da União) for approval.

3. Amount of Reimbursement. The selected studies, according to the criteria pointed in the Public Call, may be reimbursed by the future winner of the bidding process, respecting the following maximum nominal amount of reimbursement:

  • For the South Block is the amount of BRL 34.369.576,00 (thirty four millions, three hundred and sixty nine thousand and five hundred and seventy six reais);
  • For the North Block is the amount of BRL 27.170.746,00 (twenty seven millions, one hundred and seventy thousand and seven hundred and forty six reais) and
  • For the Central Block is the amount of BRL 25.268.706,00 (twenty five millions, two hundred and sixty eight thousand and seven hundred and six reais).

The Public Call for Studies is available here only in Portuguese.

Araújo e Policastro team is at your disposal for any further clarification about the ongoing Public Call for Studies and its developments.